Category: Wyoming

  • Cheyenne, WY to Ashland, NE




    Today was a long highway driving day on I-80 which put even the dog to sleep.


    We had a late lunch at Applebee’s where we each had a caesar salad, 7 oz steak with mashed potatoes and vegetables for a total of $25, including tip. Even at these prices, a table next to us was haggling for half-priced appetizers and drinks.

    We stopped at the lovely Mahoney State Park in Nebraska which has a water park, horseback riding, and convention centre amongst its facilities. There is an air and space museum next door as well. After a day of driving we were tired so we didn’t get to see any of these. We have a lakefront campsite.

  • Salt Lake City, UT to Cheyenne, WY

    The morning started with pancake breakfast at Denny’s followed by a short drive to Temple Square in Salt Lake City where we toured the visitors centre and learned about the construction of the temple. Next up was a fabulous 30 minute organ recital in the Tabernacle. The organ there is the 12th largest in the world with 206 ranks totalling 11,623 pipes.

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    The organist Richard L. Elliot showed the full range of this magnificent organ, playing pieces by Handel, Bach, Debussy and others. It was fascinating to see his footwork while playing but to hear the pieces played by this excellent organist was the real treat.


    The rest of the day was mostly driving with only a quick stop for lunch and gas. Some of the landscape in Utah and Wyoming was very impressive but not as breathtaking as that in south-western Utah last year. The drive was a lot easier as the highway is straighter and the climbs and descents are less challenging than they are further south.

    We stopped at the A.B. Camping RV Park in Cheyenne, Wyoming. The internet connection here is great which makes updating the blog much easier.