Manic 5 to Labrador City

Slept until 8:00 and had a nice breakfast and then set out on our way to Labrador on the gravel highway. Big trucks racing, clouds of dust, and winding and washboarded road.

The first stop was at Relais Gabriel for gas and lunch.  Gas was $1.699 (vs $1.334) per litre but lunch was $15 for soup, macaroni with meat sauce, bread pudding dessert and coffee. At km 355-367 brand new asphalt.

Next stop was the mining ghost town of Gagnon which shut down in 1985. All buildings were removed and only the streets and sidewalks and sewers remain.

The road is paved until Fire Lake and then the gravel returns with a very winding road which crosses the same railway line 9 or 10 times. Here it starts to rain and gets a little slicker. We also see a guy on a bicycle who is doing the trip to Baie-Comeau on his bike.

Along the way we saw the train that takes iron ore from Fermont south. Shortly before Fermont we see the mine – they are systematically disassembling a mountain to remove its iron and building a new hill from the tailings. This has been going on for 30 years already and there is no end in sight.

At Fermont we visit the big mining truck and visited the 1km long building that houses some of the residents, shops, hotel and services.

Shortly after crossing the Labrador border we stop at Duley Lake Family Campground where we will spend the night.