Fundy National Park, NB

We are staying in Fundy National Park for another night, although at a different campground at the other end of the park. Before moving to our new home, we visited Cape Enrage as it had been recommended by a number of people.

Cape Enrage features a lighthouse with fog horn, a restaurant, gift shop, zip line and numerous hiking opportunities.

There are fossils along the beach and a guided tour is available with admission to the grounds. Maya was our guide and this high school student was so knowledgable and engaged, a huge contrast to the students at the railway museum yesterday. In detail, she showed us all the different types of fossils in the area and explained what plants they had come from.

Although the zip line was highly recommended, we chose not to try it. Instead, Ruth fell in love with a t-shirt. “Cape Enrage – calm and wild”.

Our campground for tonight is the Fundy National Park Lakeview, right next to beautiful Wolfe Lake. The water beckoned and we had a great swim in the slightly cold water. After the swim in the late afternoon we sat overlooking the lake and enjoyed the serenity of this place.

We returned after dark to look for meteors, but only saw a couple of satellites whizzing by.