Manitou Beach, SK to Moose Jaw, SK

After a lazy and comfortable morning we jumped into action beginning with a shower and thinking of where to do laundry.

When we passed the combine and tractor detailing station in Watrous, our van also cried out for some love and care. That request was fulfilled in Moose Jaw in the evening at an 8 bay power washing station for cars, trucks and RVs.

Old style grain elevators are common in this area although some are no longer in use.

We stopped in the town of Liberty to photograph their old grain elevator and parts of the town. One can really see how many of the smaller towns and farms are slowly being abandoned. At Manitou Beach we had met a couple that had farmed before retiring. Their children were not interested in taking over the family farm and it ended up being sold to a corporation. This seems not to be an isolated situation.

The Liberty grain elevator did not seem to be in use anymore and was in a pretty bad state of repair.

The street signs at the intersection of Victory Street and Prairie Ave tell the story of happier and more prosperous times.

We continued on to Moose Jaw to do the new Underground Tunnels tour called Bunker 24. In 2018 we had visited and done the Chinese Laundry and Al Capone tours, both of which had been very well done. The Bunker 24 tour tells the story of Canada’s growth as a country coming out of World War II and the Cold War that followed. It was a bit hokey and we didn’t think it was as good as the other two tours.

Lunch was at Rosie’s on River Street and Ruth tried Zack’s Dorito Burgerito, which is a burger wrapped in a tortilla with Dorito chips along with the normal burger fixings.

The were, of course, dogs nearby and as usually we had to pet them. Turns out their owners had studied at McMaster University and they had lived in Hamilton as well.

Now it was time for laundry at the Eastend Laundry which combines a Chinese diner/cafe and laundry. After the clothes were clean, the van got its well deserved wash as well. We expect better fuel economy now that there is less wind resistance from all the dirt.

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