Montreal, QC

We had a comfortable lazy morning before taking the river shuttle back to Montreal. We had planned to see a number of museums but ran into a historic skills, trade, food and drink festival right in Old Montreal. Here we saw blacksmiths and wood turners demonstrating their crafts, various traditional foods and drinks to try, and for young people snowshoe racing. If you were so inclined you could get a short lesson on swordsmanship and then try fencing.

There was not much time to visit many museums so we picked an exhibition by Yoko Ono at the Foundation Phi pour l’art contemporain, a fabulous gallery that offers free admission to all their exhibitions. Yoko Ono’s exhibition was interactive and many pieces dealt with abuse and family.

A video showed a performance of her sitting motionless on the stage and having members of the audience cut pieces of clothing off her body. It was entitled Cut Piece and gave the impression of a victim being abused.

It was too late to visit another gallery so we went for an early dinner and then headed back to our campground on the river shuttle and enjoyed the beautiful evening light.

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