Sherbrooke, NS to Halifax, NS

After a thorough cleaning and filling our tanks, our van was ready for the next couple of days of adventure.

We weren’t sure whether we would make it to Halifax today or whether we would be staying near one of the beaches to the northeast of Halifax. The roads were pretty good most of the time and we did not stop very often. One stop we did make came as a surprise. We found a ship breaking facility with several old rusting and rotting ships and boats. We spent quite some time photographing the ships and details of the cracking paint and rust, something Ruth loves to do.

We had a quick lunch break by a small park and chose to visit the Martinique Beach, one of several beaches in the area. When we got there the waves were huge and we knew we had to try them out. Swimming was not really possible in the area where the waves broke but it was a lot of fun to experience the power of the water and try and keep standing. Pretty exhausted we returned to our van with sand everywhere.

We were now fairly close to Halifax and decided to make that our destination for the day. We met our friend Steve for a Greek dinner, had great conversation, a lot about photography and ended up getting a tour of his studio and seeing some of the beautiful images for his next book. Tired, we parked the van on the studio parking lot where we will be staying.

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