Forillon National Park to Kamouraska

The Forillon south campground has a service building that has great shower facilities and washrooms and it was only a short walk from our nicely wooded camping site. After a nice long hot shower we packed up and left with a target destination of Matane.

We didn’t get all that far before we stopped to photograph another lighthouse at Cap des Rosiers.

Soon afterwards we found ourselves in a rain and thunderstorm so we decided to drive as far as we could before stopping for the evening.

For lunch we stopped at Cantine des Pecheurs for fish and chips but were disappointed.

At the Fromagerie des Basques in Trois Pistoles and stocked up on more than enough cheese, bread and a pie.

Dinner was at St-Hubert in Riviere-du-Loup or Riviere-du-Lop as our GPS calls it.

We made it to Kamouraska but not before stopping to watch and photograph a stunning sunset vista.

We’re staying at the Vistor Center parking lot, along with a number of other RVs and hope to get up before sunrise tomorrow at 5:17AM in order to photograph some more.  This area is very picturesque.

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