Halifax to Saint Peters Bay

The morning started emptying and filling the RV followed by a trip to the grocery store to buy some food for the coming days.

We decided to visit Prince Edward Island instead of heading straight back as we still had one unallocated day in our schedule. There are two major paths into Prince Edward Island – the Confederation Bridge and the Ferry from Nova Scotia. We decided to take the ferry in and then drive out on the bridge. The ferry runs every 1.5 hours or so and we arrived at the terminal just as the 2:45 ferry was leaving so we ended up taking the 4:30 one.

Once on the island we drove up to the Prince Edward Island National Park and did a hike to the dunes just as the sun was setting. Just as we were leaving the parking lot for the hike I noticed a hissing sound coming from one of the rear tires.  Upon inspection I found that there was a nail stuck in it. We decided to leave it until we returned from the hike so as not to miss the sunset.

When we returned from the hike we changed the tire.  Our $29 4-ton hydraulic bottle jack had no problem lifting the RV and we were done with the tire swap in about 30 minutes. The van has tire pressure sensors in each wheel and it now had a new wheel. I read the manual for the procedure to reset the sensors but ended up getting stuck once it said to use the tire pressure tool to walk about the vehicle to identify each wheel to the onboard computer. Unfortunately we didn’t have this tool so we just had to leave it in “SERVICE TIRE PRESSURE SENSOR SYSTEM” mode.

Since it was already dark we looked for a campground nearby and found one in Saint Peters Bay. When I asked the guy that the office if he had space he fumbled around in his papers mumbling about there being a festival on and that one needed to book well in advance and that he didn’t know if he had space and that you shouldn’t just park anywhere overnight and so on.  It appeared that there was a lot of space in the park but we ended up driving to the visitor’s center and parked there for the night.