Albuquerque, New Mexico to Santa Fe, New Mexico

The morning started with a scramble to check what the insurance would cover and a search for a place that could fix our lock. It turns out that we will have to file a claim against our home insurance because most of the items stolen are not permanent items in the RV. Only the GPS would qualify as would the repair of the lock itself.


We ended up taking the van to a Ace Auto Parts, a repair place that our friend Robert had recommended. They looked at it and told us they could fix it if we picked up the handle assembly from a Chevrolet dealer in town. The first dealer didn’t have it in stock, but found another dealer nearby that had the one and only assembly in Albuquerque. We drove to that dealer, told them the story and they graciously sold it to us at a discount. Back at Ace Auto Parts, the door trim was quickly removed, the part installed and the door trim put back and we were on our way.

We really missed our GPS unit as the one built into the radio on the van is definitely sub-standard. BestBuy came to the rescue and we bought a new Garmin unit. Happy again, we decided to continue our trip rather than head straight home.

We took the Turquoise Trail to Santa Fe. Along the way we saw remnants of some mining and some hip and artsy small towns.

In Santa Fe we found an interesting campground which combines RV sites with a 55+ community. You must be 21+ to stay at the campground. They have a great pool which was a wonderful way to relax after all the stress of the last two days.

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