Hoquiam, WA to Bay City, OR

First item on the agenda was to finish the RV cleaning and drying of the damp laundry after replenishing our collection of quarters. Next was a battle with a terribly annoying lady who was monopolizing ALL the dryers. After breakfast we set out on a day of driving down the beautiful Pacific coast towards Oregon.

We stopped in Long Beach where we each had a rather large ice cream cone. Even Pepsi had to help with polishing off the cones. Guiltily, all three of us walked the calories off on the extensive boardwalk along the sandy beach.

After leaving Long Beach we found ourselves in a traffic jam. Luckily for us, Jim’s Biplane Rides offered a distraction and we went for a scenic flight in his open cockpit 1929 Travelair. The two of us sat in the front seat with cap, goggles and ear plugs while Jim flew from the rear seat.

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Once safely back in the RV we continued to Cannon Beach. The traffic had mostly dissipated by this point and we made it in good time. Cannon beach has interesting rocks and a beach with very fine white sand.

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The final task was to make it to the Tillamook Bay City RV park which is near the cheese factory we hope to tour tomorrow.

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