Montreal, QC

Montreal is one of our favourite cities and wanted to spend another day here shopping and eating. We took the river ferry from Longueuil to Old Montreal and found the Cafe Caffeino that had just opened for the first time today. The owner was still a bit nervous but did everything to give Ruth an amazing cappuccino while Martin had a fruit juice.

Ruth thought she needed more beads for her next round of necklace production so off we went to Pierres St. Dennis for shopping and a quick lesson on some new techniques. The shop owner was very helpful and patient and really knows her trade.

Now hunger got the best of us but fortunately Schwartz’s Deli wasn’t far away. The lineup was fairly long and we probably spent 45 minutes waiting in the sun to get in. As usual, it was worth the wait and this time, in addition to the sandwiches we added smoked meat poutine to our order. Let’s just say it will be added on all future visits. We sat at the bar and talked to one of the servers. When asked how many briskets they go through a day he said around 200! Each brisket takes 10 days to cure before smoking, so that means they’ve got around 2000 briskets in production at any time.

Martin wanted to return to the Maison de l’Astronomie telescope store to get some more information. Our home area may not be the best place for observing because of light pollution, so the telescope purchase has been put off.

On our walk we again admired the street art. One building in particular stood out.

After walking over 13km today, we were tired and headed back to the campground.

No map today.

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