Abram-Village, PE to Cavendish, PE

In 1980 at the age of 66, Edouard T. Arsenault, a fisherman by trade, started collecting bottles from his local community that would otherwise have gone into land fill and started building his Bottle houses in Cap-Egmont (46.40168N, 64.10182W). Today, over 25,000 bottles of various shapes and sizes make up three buildings and the adjoining gardens complement this fantasy world.

In Miscouche, we visited the Acadian Museum (46.43235N, 63.86544N) and learned of the history, struggles and triumphs of the Acadian people from their arrival in what is now Nova Scotia to their deportation by the British in 1755, their movement to PEI and efforts to preserve their language and culture. Several well-known Acadian musicians such as Angele Arsenault were featured.

Our next stop was at Malpeque Fine Iron Products (46.42907N, 63.71171W), the maker of Bug Away, a small stove that produces smoke from burning (smouldering) things like egg cartons. They also produce a variety of ornamental iron work, some of it adorable.

Our home for tonight is Cavendish, which seems more like a tourist town with water park, and various attractions for kids and adults. We did have a beef brisket grilled cheese sandwich at the Moo Moo BBQ Grilled Cheesery which was really good.

The Sunset Campground has 450 sites, many of which are seasonal campers. The internet was good and we used the opportunity to apply all the software updates that were pending.