We started the morning with scones and coffee/tea at the former church where we had been for last night’s music performance. The place was bustling and the all female staff was busy keeping up with freshly baked goods constantly being brought out of the kitchen to the display cases to be sold immediately. All this was done with big smiles and conversations with customers.
We met another couple, also from Ontario, and talked about travels and solar panels. The husband works for a company manufacturing solar panels and it was good to pick his brain about systems we’re considering for our house. We’re glad he took his time to help.

We continued on the Green Gables Shore Drive until we arrived at Kensington where a railway previously existed that is featured in the Anne of Green Gables story. The site was designated as one of the Island’s National Historic Sites in 1978 and now features restaurants and artist run shops in the former train station and associated buildings and a parked old train engine nearby.

Next up was the Green Gables Alpacas farm (46.55717N, 63.87413W) where we visited with many of the 35 alpacas that live there. A few could even be fed bits of carrots. We learned about the shearing of their fibres, how it is processed, felt the differences in quality of fibre from different alpacas and finally learned how to spin it into yarn.

Hungry, we drove to Backwoods Burger (46.57662N, 63.92898W) where we each had a two patty Dam burger. It was damn delicious!

With no WIFI available, we were forced to talk to each other… 😀

Our home for tonight is the Jacques Cartier Provincial Park and campground (46.84954N, 64.01306W). The lovely red sandy beach was too inviting to pass up so we took the opportunity to go for a swim.