Fort Qu’Appelle, SK to Duck Mountain Provincial Park, SK

We had a really good time at the Fort Qu’Appelle Campground but now it was time to head to Canora. A really nice couple we met in Manitou Beach had told us that the Canora Co-op grocery store had the very best poppy seed pastries.

Along the way we heard a bang and a cracking sound above us and when we stopped in Canora we discovered that one of the small windows above the windscreen was shattered. Fortunately the K&T Auto Body shop was just across the street for consultation. They quickly came out with Gorilla tape and we taped the window up on both sides. When we offered to pay for the service both father and son refused to take any money. We did bring a smile to their face when we gave them a “gift” of a chocolate bar.

A call to our Roadtrek dealer confirmed that they have a replacement window in stock. What a relief!

Back to the poppy seed story… We were too late! As a consolation prize we bought some mini sticky poppy seed buns and they were totally fresh and delicious. A fresh, hot rotisserie chicken provided a quick and delicious lunch.

The same couple who had told us about the poppy seed pastries had also recommended the Duck Mountain Provincial Park. This park is on the Saskatchewan and Manitoba border and both provinces share the park.

We stayed in the Pickerel Point Campground with a beautiful view of Madge Lake. We were so lucky to get a spot for two nights right on the peninsula.

The sunsets were just gorgeous!

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