Nimpkish Lake, BC

We so much enjoyed our evening yesterday that we decided to spend another day at Nimpkish Lake and started the morning with our next door neighbour Gus and some of the regulars for morning coffee and watching an eagle hunt for fish. (It is on the second rightmost post. The Sony camera got its first use of this trip this morning and only because it has a telephoto lens)

After morning coffee we inflated our kayak and paddled north against the wind until we ceased making forward progress. We stopped at a gravel beach and saw remnants of the logging history in the area – rusted steel cables, railway tracks, etc. The trip back with the wind was substantially faster!

The area is a haven for wind surfers and we could see a number of them out on the lake with kites, wings and foils. Lots of new terminology to learn!

Too tired to go for a swim right away, we had a nap. At 4PM we walked down to Dennis’ trailer for Happy Hour and had lively conversations on everything and anything the world has to offer. The community here really is wonderful and friendly.

No map for today.