Bellevue, AB to Fairmont Hot Springs, BC

The morning began with a visit to the Frank Slide Interpretive Centre which tells the story of the massive slide that happened in the early morning hours of April 29th, 1903 and is Canada’s deadliest rock slide, killing more than 90 people. A total of approximately 110 million metric tonnes of rock came off Turtle Mountain and buried the valley below to a depth of up to 45 meters (150 feet).

The mountain is still unstable and another slide will likely happen in the future. It is good that we didn’t know that last night as we soundly slept in a nearby campground. The Alberta Geological Service has a variety of sensors on the mountain and can detect minute changes in the rock movement.

Our next stop was to sample cinnamon buns at a cafe that had been recommended to us by the visitor centre in Lethbridge, but, alas, we were disappointed. They certainly didn’t live up to the ones we’ve enjoyed in the Yukon.

Sparwood is another town along Hwy 3 and it features the largest tandem axle truck in the world – capable of carrying 350 tonnes of stuff. Only one was ever built and here it is. Be the envy of the neighbourhood with a 3300HP, 16 cylinder engine, although you won’t win any races with its top speed of 48km/h.

Our final destination for today was the Fairmont Hot Springs in BC where we relaxed in the pools.