Lethbridge, AB to Bellevue, AB

Our first stop for today was at the Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump World Heritage Site. This site was placed on the UNESCO World Heritage list at the 1981 meeting as a site of outstanding universal value forming part of the cultural heritage of mankind. An interpretive centre teaches about the history of the area.

Prehistorical Plains Indians herded buffalo over cliffs to their deaths and then butchered the animals for meat to survive the winter months and used the hides and bones for clothing and tools. Over a period of almost 6000 years, at least 4 different Indian cultures used this site.

After leaving the buffalo behind us, we traveled on a gravel highway until we met up with Hwy 3. Our next stop was the Lundbreck Falls, a very picturesque place to have lunch followed by a hike to see the twin falls.

The second cultural place of interest was the Bellevue Underground Mine, a former coal mine. We donned miner hard hats with lights and walked 1000ft into the pitch black mine to learn how coal was extracted during its operation between 1903-1961. According to our guide, some children as young as 12 worked in the mines, a dangerous and difficult environment to be in. Miners worked 8-12 hours a day for little pay.

The coal wagons, each weighing 3-6 tonnes, were pulled out of the mine an average of 6 at a time by Clydesdale horses.

The guide, a university history student, was excellent, informative and engaging.

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