Montreal, QC

It was an early morning and we took the first shuttle to Montreal to have a second breakfast with our friend Jean of Camtec Photo. He suggested we visit the Jean Talon Farmer’s Market and a short Metro (subway) ride later we were there. The market is huge and has everything from seafood to vegetables to apples and berries. Corn is in season and we each enjoyed two corn on the cobs followed by a couple of cheese curds. A big basket of wild blueberries had to come as well and will provide us with vitamins and anti-oxidants for the next couple of days.

We took the Metro back to Place Des Arts where we returned to the design and fashion show to see a truly amazing dance performance featuring 12 dancers. Lots of “don’t try this at home” stuff.

While we had a short rest in some bean bag seats, an all black group of models put on a flash mob performance.

Tired and hungry we had an early dinner at St. Hubert. The chicken dinners are way bigger than those of Swiss Chalet and the half chicken portions we ordered were pretty filling. Outside, two people where playing chess with pieces the size of small children on a huge board in the pedestrian zone.

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