Lower Wedgeport, NS to Hillgrove, NS

After a late night, we deserved to sleep in and then started the morning with an apple pancake breakfast.

The weather was a bit iffy and we were looking forward to exploring Yarmouth and Digby, taking highway 3 and 1 to explore the coastline. We walked through the heritage district of Yarmouth but it was anticlimactic as it started to rain. The downtown business district seems to be suffering with the CAT ferry to Bar Harbour not running this year. We saw it docked in port.

We left Yarmouth and saw the strong presence of Acadians in this area – flags, restaurants, museums, churches and other historical points of interest.

At Port Maitland, we stopped for another Living Wharves program and this time a real retired fisherman and his wife were present to inform and teach us the ropes of fishing. As in, literally, how to splice ropes together. All four of us huddled under the small tent as it started raining heavily. We spent about an hour with Gary and Rrene and heard many tall tales of fishing boats loaded to the maximum with herring that was sold to the Russians.

A beautiful sandy beach right next to the wharf went unused by us because it was wet and only 18 degrees. We spent some time at the beach park and Martin BBQ’d pork burgers between the rain showers.

A short distance further on highway 1 we saw a number of boats sitting on the ground waiting for high tide to lift them back into the water.

Digby was to be our destination but we stopped just south of there at the Ridge Valley campground in Hillsgrove.

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