Merigomish, NS to Linwood, NS

We started the day with some gin and vodka. At a distillery, of course. After a tour. We visited the Steinhart Distillery and learned how they make their award winning vodka and gin and got to sample some afterwards. They have also started to brew beer according to the German Reinheitsgebot. The distillery is owned by Thomas Steinhart and he comes from a long heritage of distillers in Germany.

One cannot live on booze alone, so we headed over to the Lobster Interpretive Center which turned out to be information boards on a cafe wall. Did you know that lobsters can be left or right handed, breathe through gills beneath their shell, listen with their legs and smell with their feet and chew their food in their stomach between three grinding surfaces?

After the lobsters, the tuna also wanted a say and we learned about the blue tin tuna which is caught in this region and exported to Japan for sushi. The interpretive centre had a video that showed how these huge fish are caught by line and hook and then need to be tired out for several hours by playing them. After the chase, the fish’s body temperature is too high to yield quality flesh, so it is dragged alongside the boat to cool it down. It then further cooled once on shore before it is auctioned off and shipped to market, often to Japan for high quality sushi. The whole process takes about 10 days.

After so much seafood and fish, we decided to have an early steak dinner at Mother Webb’s.

It was hot and humid today so we stopped earlier at the Linwood Campground where we have a great spot overlooking a small bay, and most importantly, power to run the air conditioning. Unfortunately the beach is 4km away.

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