Bertrand, NB to Miramichi, NB

After the stress of preparing the mackerel, we slept like babies don’t. We decided to postpone breakfast and left the campground relatively early because there were many people leaving and we didn’t want to be in the queue at the dumping station.

We didn’t have to drive far before the brakes were squeaking to make it into the Fromagerie Les Blancs d’Arcadie parking lot. Fresh cheese curds, still warm, were irresistible! We didn’t devour them right away but looked for a perfect breakfast place in Caraquet.

Ruth decided on the right place for breakfast and ignored Martin’s critique. A perfect place it was. We walked a path towards the water and sat with the wind blowing not so gently through our hair.

We skipped the Miscou lighthouse and headed straight to Shippagan, home of the New Brunswick Aquarium and Marine Centre where we learned about the various fish and sea life in the area as well as saw videos on the development and advances in fisheries industry over the years.

New to us was that lobsters can have various colours. Very rare are albinos, which represent only 1 in 100,000,000 lobsters. The blue ones are 1 in 2,000,000. Regardless of their colour, all except for the albinos, will turn red when they are cooked as that base pigment is the only one that can withstand heat.

The harbour seals were cute but not cooperative for picture taking as their feeding was still some time away.

To speed things up, we took highway 11 to go to Miramichi, hoping to join the Headless Nun tour, but alas, this was not offered this year. We would have loved to be scared in a dark, mosquito infested forest. We had to settle for a simple walk in the mosquito infested forest on our own.

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