White River, ON to Six Mile Lake, ON

We got up at 7:00AM, gassed up the van, and had really fresh breakfast at the A&W next door. Now we were ready for a long drive.

Today the weather was a lot better, starting cloudy and then turning into a great sunny day. When we saw Calm Bay on Lake Superior we decided another swim was in order, this time in calmer waters and with a sandy beach. It is so great to have a van that has a built-in change room.

The drive through northern Ontario was stunning and we promised ourselves that we would come back and spend some time here again soon discovering, hiking and kayaking.

The road had lots of construction which slowed us down a bit and in one place a rock slide had blocked one lane of traffic.

After Sault St. Marie the picturesque rocky area was behind us and we moved through forest and farmland. A road sign promised a farm market so we turned off and found a Mennonite farm area. The farmer’s wife was dressed in very traditional garb and even her two little daughters showed up in floral bonnets. We bought some blueberries, tomatoes and pickles.

The last stop was at French River for a milkshake and a look through the gift store.

We are spending our last night on the road at the Six Mile Lake Provincial Park with a waterfront site. The water is about 50ft down a rocky slope, but it is waterfront.

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