North Bay, ON to Falcon Lake, MB

We woke up to some rain and after breakfast planned the day’s route. Pepsi had her say but got bored pretty quickly and left for some interesting activities.

Our lunch site was right at picnic area adjacent to a waterfall. We took some time to enjoy the scenery and photograph.

We just made it back into the van when it started to rain. And that rain was just the tip of the iceberg of what was to come. The downpour was so bad that we couldn’t see the road anymore and had to pull into a rest area where we were pelted with hail. Once that stopped we continued on our way only to get hit with a second rain storm and another stop by the side of the road.

We crossed the Manitoba border, stopped at the visitor’s center and raced the 14kms to the Falcon Lake campground to get the last electric campsite.

The “resort” at the complex featured Wayne Morris, a magician and hypnotist from Alberta who was performing that night. The venue where the performance took place was filled with pool tables, slot machines, a dance floor and bar. The only dinner choice was chicken fingers and fries. The show was informative, classy and worthwhile and it was too bad that so few people showed up for it.

On our way back to the campsite we peeked into the bakery to see what breakfast options are available and talked to our camp neighbours about their tractor trailer, trailer and Smart car combination.