North Bay to Kapuskasing

Today was our first full travel day. We got up early, had breakfast in the van because of the helicopter sized mosquitos, dumped and filled all water tanks and headed north. Yesterday we had passed a sign that said we were half way to the North Pole (45 degrees North) and today we made to the 49th parallel.

Highway 11 was our best friend. It took us to Temagami where we almost bought a prefabricated bunkie lego-like kit for $8000. All we needed was some land to put it on!

A short stop at the Information Center and Native Art Gallery followed. The snack bar next door was still closed and so we were deprived of our ice cream, but the moose with the Canadian tie had to do for now…

A short drive up the road we came across the Thornloe cheese factory where we stocked up on a fine selection of local cheeses and a small strawberry milk shake each.

Our next stop was to be TImmins where we wanted to take a Gold Mine tour. Fortunately, thanks to the wonder of the Internet, we discovered this attraction had closed in 2013 so saved ourselves the detour.

We continued on Highway 11 through rain, hail and wind and only briefly stopped at the abandoned Smooth Rock Cafe…

Our home for the night is the Walmart in Kapuskasing, about 600kms from tomorrow’s goal of Thunder Bay.