Albuquerque, New Mexico

The American RV Park provides a free continental breakfast and we definitely did not miss this opportunity.

We made it a very leisurely morning, taking care of some business and having a snooze before we headed off to see Albuquerque’s Old Town. There are a number of craft shops, galleries and boutiques here.

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At the Plaza, we saw vendors and buildings in Pueblo style.

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Another highlight was the San Felipi de Neri church, the oldest church in Albuquerque.

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We had to take turns seeing the church because Pepsi wasn’t allowed in.


Time for a cold drink and some ice cream. We sat on the patio and struck up a conversation with two women who were also enjoying their ice cream and cold drinks.



Even Pepsi enjoyed a cold ice water and looked quite content.


The two women suggested we should not miss a photography gallery on the second floor. It turned out to be a photo collective of several artists who share a lovely space and we remembered the wonderful studio space we shared with some Studio 12 members in Hamilton and the Art Crawl shows we put on.


When we arrived back at the van we discovered that someone had broken into it and stolen our GPS, Ruth’s iPhone, Martin’s iPad and two of our cameras. The police arrived in good time and we filed a report. The police officer really took his time to help us and Martin searched for the serial numbers of the stolen items. With the side door lock punched out, we were a little worried we’d have another break-in so the police officer promised us that one of his colleagues would patrol the area we would be in and keep an eye on it.

We went out for dinner with our friend Robert and left Pepsi and the remaining valuables in his shop while we were gone.

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