Moab, Utah

The day started very early with the alarm ringing at 5:30AM. The goal was to be at Arches National Park for sunrise or shortly thereafter.

Martin did a 5Km hike to the Delicate Arch and Ruth and Pepsi drove and hiked to the viewpoint of this arch as well as a few others.

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We had breakfast just before noon at the Jailhouse Cafe in Moab and then strolled around town and saw some woodworking, sandstone and native craft stores as well as two photography galleries.

We went back to the campground to escape the heat and had a snooze in air conditioned comfort.

In the late afternoon we once again ventured out, this time to Canyonlands National Park where we visited the Green River Overlook.

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There were thunderstorms all around us so we thought it best to head home.


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