Tucson, Arizona to Prescott, Arizona

The day started with a very early breakfast and then a trip to Freedom RV, a Roadtrek dealer in Arizona, to have the generator looked at again. We’d had some issues with it stalling and the air conditioner showing an E2 error code. They took a look at it and adjusted the governor on the generator and said it should be fine now.

We drove north on I-10 to Phoenix. The drive wasn’t all that exciting and it was VERY hot – 43C. We stopped at an Appleby restaurant that had free Wifi so that Martin could look after some business and we enjoyed a very nice hamburger.

We continued on Hwy-60 to Wickenburg, a town with a history of cowboys, miners looking for gold, and a railway. The town has statues of historical figures and their professions, along with a short audio segment describing their lives in Wickenburg. The town has a number of trades represented today – a hat maker and a saddle maker.

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Wickenburg was also very hot and we were happy to head into the lush cool mountains for our next stop. It was a beautiful drive to Prescott. We drove through this very attractive city to a fabulous campground on Watson Lake just outside of town.


We tried to have an early night but were awakened by an unexpected visitor in the middle of the night. We saw a flashlight and looked out the window and there was an SUV parked right next to us on our site. When Martin asked whether everything was OK, the response was that he had booked our site at 2PM in the afternoon and was surprised to find the site occupied.

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