Silver City, New Mexico to Tucson, Arizona

We decided to briefly explore Silver City this morning. We found the Palace Hotel which was a modest building, extremely high curbs which we were told was because of monsoon rain flooding, a number of little artist stores, and a unique coffee shop where we got to know a couple of people.

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Needless to say we stayed longer than we had anticipated.

We still managed to make it to Tucson in time and see the quite a bit of the countryside along the way. There were a number of valleys along the way with sandstorm warnings. We were not hit by these storms but still saw some flying sand in the distance.

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Another interesting landscape feature was the huge boulders in the Texas Canyon area along the highway.

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In Tucson we stopped at the Pima Air and Space Museum and had a great private tour by Steve Austin. Steve is an aircraft maintenance engineer and volunteer at the museum and is full of information about the different airplanes. He has even worked on many of the aircraft on display.

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Martin was quite into his element and spent quite a bit of time photographing the Boeing 787 “Dreamliner” test aircraft on display.

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Another highlight was the SR-71 Blackbird, a spy plane that flew so fast it wasn’t possible to shoot it down.


Ruth enjoyed seeing one aircraft that participated in the Berlin Airlift after the second world war.


There were a number of other curious and historical aircraft on display, including a re-creation of the Wright brothers plane.

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We ended our tour at the museum in the space hanger and got there just before it closed, but still managed to make it to the moon and back.

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We are staying at the Tucson/Lazydays KOA Campground where we have a great spot near the pool with our own patio and fruit trees.
