Truth or Consequences, New Mexico to Gila Cliff Dwellings, New Mexico

The morning started with another soak in the hot springs followed by a surf in the Rio Grande at the end of a waterski rope. What a thrill!

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It was difficult to say good-bye to this wonderful, tranquil place but had to move on. Our destination was the Gila Cliff Dwelling National Monument. Our drive took us through Hillsboro, an almost ghost town, and beautiful mountain scenery from desert to lush forests.

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The weather changed from sunny to dramatically cloudy which made for an even more adventurous journey.

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We arrived at the cliff dwellings at 4:30pm, too late to start a tour. We were able to stay at the Upper Scorpion campground, just a few steps from the start of the tour for free. We talked to our camping neighbours until it got dark and the bugs came out in full force.