Houston, Texas to Luling, Texas

It’s not rocket science (Oh wait, yes it is…)


The Houston Space Centre is the location where most manned space missions were controlled. We took a tour of the Mission Control Centre that handled 10 Gemini, 10 Apollo and 21 Shuttle missions.


“Houston, Tranquility Base here. The Eagle has landed.” and “Houston, we’ve had a problem” were received here. The configuration of the room is as it was for Apollo 11.

Also on the tour was rocket park where the main attraction was the HUGE Saturn V rocket that took men to the moon.

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Time for lunch at the main building. It really had a space-like atmosphere. The food, thank God, wasn’t de-hydrated astronaut food.


After lunch we visited several more exhibits and presentations, including a shuttle mockup, a history of rockets and the various manned missions up to the present day.


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Pepsi didn’t want to visit the space centre so she checked herself into the Tailwaggers Pet Resort for the day. When we picked her up in the afternoon and asked how her day was, she said “What happens at Tailwaggers, stays at Tailwaggers…”. She gave the owner a quick good-bye and dashed to the door.


It was time to go and get some more miles under our tires. We had picked up a Texas BBQ Trail brochure at the Welcome Centre and Luling, one of the towns on the trail, was on our route so we were excited to be able to have dinner there and look for a campground in the vicinity. Unfortunately, it was closed by 6:30PM as was most of the rest of the town with the exception of the Dairy Queen.

We decided to have Ruth’s delicious rice-tuna-pea salad for dinner at the Riverbed RV Park and Campground and called it an early night.


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