New Orleans, Louisiana

After doing laundry while we wrote the last two days of blog entries, we headed out to explore more of the French Quarter and find some lunch.

We decided to go to a traditional Creole restaurant called Mr. B’s Bistro and had a fabulous lunch. Martin had a Warm Yellow Fin Tuna salad (highly recommended!) and Ruth had Pasta Jambalaya. For dessert we narrowed our choices down to four options but after a long discussion including the waiters opinion we settled on two – Hot Buttered Pecan Pie and Three Berry Cobbler. A totally satisfying dining experience!

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Now it was time to walk and sweat off the calories!

The French Quarter looks quite different during the day and we enjoyed the galleries and antique stores.

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One highlight was definitely the Bevolo Gas and Electric Light store and show-factory. We had seen a number of these gas lamps all over the French Quarter last night and now we got to see how they were each hand-made.

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Time for something sweet. On our walk past the Cafe Du Monde where we only looked at their famous beignets, we stopped at a Creole praline manufacturing shop and purchased one to share.



It tasted a bit like fudge or maple sugar with pecans.

Next stop was the market where alligators and arthritis caught our eyes…

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Totally exhausted and with many liquid calories dripping off of us we headed home and picked up a gallon of water along the way. Yesterday we had bought water from the same shop and paid $3.00 for a litre. Today we bought a 4 litre jug for $3.00. Go figure.

Pepsi had had her beauty rest in her air-conditioned van and couldn’t understand why we drank half a gallon of water and then needed a two hour siesta.

After it had cooled off a bit outside, we headed over to the pool for a swim which was cut short by a thunderstorm. We re-joined Pepsi in the van and provided some moral support in her hour of fear.

Tomorrow we plan to visit some plantations. Our campsite is right next to I-10 so we should have a quick get-away.


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