Key Largo, Florida to Key West, Florida

Today was a leisurely drive down the Keys to Key West. The colours of the water were beautiful to see.  There are a number of places where one can see the older bridges that have now been replaced.  One was seven miles long.

We again tried to stay at a State Park – this time the Bahia Honda State Park but again it was full. It turns out there is a mini lobster festival for the next two weeks which explains the number of people here.

We stopped at the most southern KOA Campground and secured a spot for the night close to the beach and the boat launch and then continued our trip to Key West. Key West was a dud today – it was hard to maneuver the RV through narrow and very busy streets and we spent a long time looking for the Eco Discovery centre which we had been told would be a good place to park. It was very hot and humid and the three of us decided Key West wasn’t to be today.


We drove back to the KOA, had a nap and then inflated the kayak and went for a paddle until the sound of thunder announced it might be a good idea to head back to shore. There we went for a swim in the bay and then in the campground pool.  The thunderstorm never really materialized.

Ruth was brave enough to cook in the heat and we had a nice pasta dinner outside.

It was a good day after all.

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