Truckee, CA to Salt Lake City, UT

After a lovely breakfast and a bit more conversation we set out towards Salt Lake City. It was a driving day and we were lucky that the speed limit allowed for up to 130km/h in places.

We had a brief stop in half-forgotten Lovelock, NV for gas and lunch at a little pizzeria.

Before leaving Nevada completely we stopped in West Wendover where a large sign above the casino suggested we try their penny slot machines. A quick check of our pockets revealed we had 4 pennies so we decided to take them up on their suggestion. Unfortunately, the penny slot machines only accepted bills so we had to insert the smallest one we had handy – a $5 bill. The two of us ganged up on the machine and alternately played our best but ultimately the machine won. So much for the hoped for early retirement.


As consolation we had a nice Mexican dinner at the casino restaurant.

On approach to Salt Lake City we saw the Super Moon.


Note: No track data today either – also lost in the GPS hard reset.

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