Fort Bragg, CA to San Francisco, CA

It was a good thing that our campground was just across the street from the Ricochet Ranch where we wanted to go horseback riding.  We didn’t have a reservation so we walked over first thing in the morning and were lucky to get two spots for the 10AM ninety minute ride along the beach. After a quick breakfast we galloped to the stable where we had to sign our life away, were fitted with riding helmets, watched an 11 minute video on mounting and dismounting a horse correctly and basic “steering” instructions. We then got to meet our horses – “Cowboy” for Martin and “Cloud” for Ruth. Our ride took us across the highway, through some forest and then along the beach. We had a wonderful time!

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After lunch at Denny’s we continued on twisty and turny Hwy 1. We arrived in Mendocino where we visited the Mendocino Arts Center with its fine art gallery, many studios and workshop spaces. We were guests at a glass bead making workshop for a while and got to know the instructor and participants.

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Hwy 1 continued to twist and turn almost making us seasick. We had to stop at one point because Ruth had to walk in the ocean amidst the high waves. What a delight!

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The other highlight of the day was the drive across the Golden Gate bridge and right through San Francisco with the RV. Campgrounds are sparse so we stayed at a hotel in Belmont, just south of San Francisco. Pepsi, unfortunately, wasn’t welcome at the hotel so she was on guard duty to make sure that the van and contents were safe.

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