Hungry Horse, MT to Coeur D’Alene, ID

This was a day of driving from Montana to Idaho. We stopped at a roadside cherry stand which turned out to be a small little orchard owned by a woman named Donnie. She told us all about her cherry trees, each of which was named a family member. We took a walk through her orchard and photographed the cherries on the tree named “Anna”. We bought two kinds of delicious cherries, jam and postcards of cherries. Bit of theme here…

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The drive was diverse with mountains, lakes and plains.  The small towns such as “Paradise” weren’t all that inspiring. We stopped in St. Regis for a salad lunch at a restaurant and casino with a reserved tabled for the cowboy-like seasoned regulars.

The landscape became more and more beautiful as we approached Idaho and we stayed overnight in Coeur D’Alene at the Blackwell Island RV Park which is located where the lake and Spokane river meet. A wonderful spot with lots of Albertans. We talked for quite a while with Tim and Wendy who had trouble with their new Via camper and had to visit their local Mercedes dealer to get a software update for the engine so that they could drive at regular speed again.

A swim in the river and dinner, with wine, under our rarely used awning -wonderful day!

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