Shamrock, TX to Amarillo, TX

Today was a very exciting sightseeing day starting with the Art Deco U-Drop Inn building in Shamrock.





Next stop was the Devil’s Rope Museum in McLean which made us aware of the importance of all kinds of barbed wire, particularly for cattle containment but also for its military purposes. “Barbed wire gave us control of the land and windmills make the land habitable”. The was also a great photo and first hand account of the dust bowl in the 1930s.

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Just east of Amarillo was a Peace installation designed by Richard Baker. Fascinating.

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At point it was 3PM and our small breakfast had long worn off.  Time to hit the Big Texan, home of the Free 72 oz Steak Dinner if you can eat it and three sides including a fully baked potato in 60 minutes. The current record holder accomplished this in just under 9 minutes! And yes, one brave soul attempted the feat but ultimately wasn’t successful. They even have a live webcam where you can watch the action as customers attempt the feat –


Everything truly is bigger in Texas.

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Free limo service to the restaurant is available in these fine vehicles:


On the menu – Mountain Oysters – “If you think it’s seafood, go with the shrimp” and “He was a bold man that ate the first Mountain Oyster”. And no, we weren’t that bold.


Last, but definitely not least was the trip the Cadillac Ranch just west of town. Several hours were spent here waiting for the tourists to finally go home so we could photograph the cars (and cows) in peace.


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Tonight we’re staying at a campground near the site as it was dark when we finished the photo shoot.

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