New Richmond to Forillon National Park

After breakfast and cleanup we emptied and filled tanks and then headed out towards Gaspe. Our first stop was at a garage sale that had new pants for $5, new sweaters for $10 and silver plated candle holders for $1 each. $48 dollars later, I had three pairs of pants, three new sweaters and Ruth had three new candle holders.

A little further up the road was a GM dealer and we dropped in to have the tire pressure monitoring system looked at.  The tool required to reset the monitors turned out to be a pretty expensive looking piece of kit and the spare tire wheel turns out not to have one of these sensors in it so we had to swap out the spare with the now fixed original wheel.  $57 later, the Roadtrek was happy once again too, not to mention freshly washed.  Great service!

One of the next towns has painted all their fire hydrants as cartoon characters.


By this time we were hungry and stopped at one of the many municipal rest areas along the way.  This one had a swimming pool and ocean view and we had our sandwiches enjoying the sunshine at one of their picnic tables. Ruth got caught in a lobster trap.

After lunch we drove to Perce which has a nearby island that is home to many, many seabirds and a unique rock formation with an arch in it. There was a helicopter operation nearby and for $300 Ruth and I had a 20 minute aerial tour of the area. Spectacular!


Hwy 132 in this area is very curvy and scenic and goes through many small towns. There are lots of motels and campgrounds and there are a lot of tourists. Definitely a place to return to.

Our home for the night was Forillon National Park. This park was created in 1970 when land was expropriated. Some of the buildings, such as a general store, have historic significance and have been preserved as they would have been at the time they were in use.

There is a 4km hiking trail that leads to Cap de Gaspe, the site of a lighthouse. All three of us hiked the trail (and back for a total of 8km) and enjoyed the view at the lighthouse and the two porcupines that were having dinner on the grass there.  They were incredibly tame and we got within about 3 feet of them.


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