Channel-Port-aux-Basques to Ingonish

At 5AM the ship’s PA system announced the cafe was open for breakfast and we had one more hour of sailing to go. We spent some time outside watching the sun rise and Nova Scotia shoreline getting closer and closer. Once the ferry docked we were off pretty quickly and headed for the Cabot Trail where we had one more unexpected ferry ride of about 100 meters at Englishtown.


The Cabot Trail has a number of studios and galleries along the way but they weren’t open at 8AM so we stopped for breakfast at Little River Harbour where lobster fishermen had finished their season and were painting their boats and chatting with each other.


After breakfast we backtracked to the studios and galleries – glass, woodworking, pottery and leather. The leather studio was particularly interesting and Martin got a leather bowl for storing coins on the dresser.

We continued on the extremely scenic Cabot Trail to Cape Smokey where we had lunch and enjoyed the spectacular view of the ocean.

We continued on to Ingonish Beach where we finally found an automotive propane dealer and filled the tank. We settled into a wonderful campground, walked the beach, had a quick swim and then did a one and a half hour ghost story telling hike with a Parks Canada guide. The stories gave a great insight into the lives of the people, both native and settlers who lived here.