Churchill Falls to Happy Valley-Goose Bay

The night was very cold at 7 degrees Celsius so we tried to turn the furnace or heat pump going. There seems to be a loose connection somewhere as it will come on, but then never does again until you cycle power on the unit. Phoned Roadtrek to see what they suggest – wait until you get back to have the dealer look at it.

Phoned town office at 8PM to try and reserve spots on the 9AM hydro plant tour. Tours are offered at 9AM, 1:30PM and 7PM but unfortunately at the moment there is only one guide so the 9AM tour was cancelled. We signed up for the 1:30PM tour so we had the morning to relax. We visited the library at the town centre and they had some books for sale for $1 each so we bought 3. We also discovered that we have one tank dripping water so that will also need to be looked at when we get back.

The hydro generating station tour was amazing. The plant is 1000ft feet underground and solid granite. You take an elevator down and then visit the transformer room, power generating floor where the 11 generators are located and the emergency shelter underground.  There is a tunnel with a bus with a key in the ignition for a quick escape if needed.


After the tour ended we drove to Happy Valley-Goose Bay with a stop at the Muskrat Falls which are scheduled to also be developed into a power station.  Work has already begun and brush has been cleared with heavy machinery. The hiking trail was very slick and difficult but all three of us managed to get to the falls and back just before dark. Unfortunately we neglected to take our camera so we were unable to document the falls before they are destroyed during development.

Upon arrival in Happy Valley-Goose Bay we checked into the Goose River Lodge and RV Park.